Canmore Pharmacy

BioClinic Optimega-3Q10

Manufacturer: BioClinic

SKU Id: 689088093229

Category: Supplement

Price: $31.99 $0.00
  • Description

This pharmaceutical grade omega-3 blend fish oil has achieved the highest USP standard, verified for quality and consistency Stringent quality control standards ensure that this highly purified fish oil concentrate is free of lipid peroxides and environmental pollutants, including heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, PCBs, and other harmful compounds.This high potency combination of CoQ10 and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA/DHA provides cardiovascular and cognitive benefit through multiple distinct and overlapping pathways. Both CoQ10 and DHA/EPA helpd to improve endothelial function, with clinically significant hypotensive and anti-atherogenic effects. CoQ10 has an instrumental role in oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial bioenergetics, critical to neuronal health and preventing the mitochondrial dysfunction that underlies numerous chronic diseases, including neurodegenerative disease. Additionally, recent data highlights CoQ10’s emerging role in reducing inflammation and insulin resistance, which are potent contributors to impaired cognitive function.OptiMega-3 Q10 also provides high dose pharmaceutical grade EPA/DHA, shown to reduce many cardiovascular risk factors and improve vascular function, demonstrating a reduced rate of cardiovascular events, cardiac death and coronary events, particularly in participant at high risk. Omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with reduced all-cause mortality, sudden death, myocardial infarction, as well as stroke. EPA/DHA support cognitive function through multiple mechanisms, as both are indispensable to neuronal membranes, with lower levels found to be not only a marker for neurological disease but also a risk factor for cognitive impairment.

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