Canmore Pharmacy

Design For Health Neuromag

Manufacturer: Design For Health

SKU Id: GP879452003354

Category: Supplement

Price: $76.99 $0.00
  • Description
Source of magnesium, a factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps to support cognitive function in the eld·erly with mild cognitive impairment. Several studies indicate that synaptic connections in the brain hippocampus, a critical brain region for learning and memory, decline during the normal process of aging. NeuroMag™, which uses the unique, patented, chelated mineral Magtein™, contains magnesium which is chelated to threonic acid (magnesium L-threonate). It is superior to other forms of magnesium at getting through the blood brain barrier because it is able to transport magnesium ions across lipid membranes, including those of brain cells.

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